School Council

Bowden Grandview School Council

The School Council at BGS is a group of parents, administrators, the Town of Bowden,
our Ward 5 School Board Trustee, and other community stakeholders that meet
monthly to discuss ideas related to the school. It provides a forum to discuss concerns,
celebrate successes, and plan for the future.

The School Council is committed to offering a number of ways to get involved. Being a
parent volunteer is one more way to stay connected and involved in your child’s
educational experience. The activities you choose to undertake do not have to be
overly time-consuming. We welcome new members and volunteers to come out to
our council. You can make a difference! 

The School Council through The Friends of Grandview (FOG) also fundraises for a
number of enrichment programs throughout or school community. Including; playground development, teacher appreciation events, our Life Skills program, Fine Arts  performances, our music program, our Breakfast program, support for graduates, advanced technology for classrooms, as well as many others.

School Council meets virtually (Google Meet) on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 12 pm. The meeting has a structured agenda with reports from the Town, School Board, FCSS, FOG, School Admin. If you are interested in participating in School Council or if you have any questions you'd like to bring forward, please contact

School Council Executive

Chairperson: Alahna Hunter

Friends of Grandview (FOG) Parent Society

Chairperson: Carla Sparks 

Meeting dates for 2024-25

March 18, April 25, May 20