Parent Pick Up and Drop Off Safety
Parents PLEASE DO NOT let your kids run out from cars to cross the street during pick up and drop off. Ideally if you could drop them off on the north side of the road west of the bus zone and have the children use the sidewalk side to exit the vehicle.
If using the south side of the road, please have them carefully use the crosswalks to get from one side of the street to the other. We have had a couple of close calls with kids darting out between buses or vehicles and not using the crosswalks.
Additionally, a reminder not to stop and drop your children off in the middle of the road but to pull up to the north curb west of the bus stop area.
Drivers please continue to exercise extreme caution when navigating the road in front of our school and keep your speed to 30 km or less. Please be extra watchful in case we do have a child pop out from between vehicles.
Thank you for your cooperation. Your child’s safety is our first priority!