Linda Wagers

Ward 5 - Bowden/Spruce View
I grew up on a farm west of Innisfail and have been residing in Ward 5, just northwest
of Spruce View, since 2001. With 31 years of teaching experience, I have taught in
both Spruce View and Bowden. I was also actively involved in the early development
of three non-traditional schools in CESD—Outreach, Career High, and
Academy-On-Line—and spent the last 21 years teaching at the largest school in the
division. My teaching experience ranges from grades 3 to 12 and includes K-12
schools, non-traditional settings, and homeschool visits, covering all curricular subjects
except Humanities.
Since becoming a school trustee in 2021, I have greatly enjoyed participating in various
school community activities, including Parent Council meetings, community events,
concerts, awards ceremonies, graduations, and fundraising efforts. As a dedicated
lifelong learner, I completed the one year Trustee Governance Program at the
University of Calgary, which significantly enhanced my ability to serve the BGS
community effectively. During my first year as a trustee, I also served as Chair of the
Transportation Committee, which inspired me to pursue Class 2 training to gain a
better understanding of our division's bussing and transportation needs. I am
committed to ongoing professional development and actively seek additional courses
and relevant events to better support my ward.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. I look forward to another
successful year with Bowden Grandview School and the community.