Sephora Sookram

Grade 2
Phone: 403-224-3250
Hello families! Thank you for choosing Bowden Grandview School as the place to support your child's development. I am blessed to have begun and continue my own journey as a teacher here in Bowden. I love our school, and I love the community. We may be small in number, but we are big in heart!
I absolutely LOVE teaching grade 2 -- it's the best! When I'm not at school or preparing lessons, I love to be outdoors. Walking, hiking, and biking are some of my favorite activities. I also enjoy quiet time, spending time with family and friends, and travelling to new and familiar places.
Click on the link to visit our class website. Here you will find featured videos and resources, learning games, and more. We are going to have a fantastic year playing, learning, and growing together in second grade!